Say you are going to travel to Europe, but are unwilling to pay the insane roaming fees that some functional monopoly imposes in your country. So you buy an overseas GSM chip and drop it into you phone and it just works, right?
Your carrier is probably unwilling to let you use the phone you’re leasing from them -and even the one you outright bought from them with a nice markup- in some competitor network. Any competitor network. Even if it is half a world away.
Well, there’s help out there, and there is hope:
NokiaFREE calculator will provide unlocking codes for the most popular models from a dozen manufacturers, either online or in a standalone version.
However, if you succumbed to temptation and bought a Treo 600 just five months before the Treo 650 was released in your country, you might have to reflash it under your own risk.
Update 20050910: In an article aptly named 20 Things They Don’t Want You to Know, PC World writes about cellphone unlocking, but fails to even notice NokiaFree.
Month: May 2005
Anti – Sober.Q spamassassin rule
Sober.Q is flooding the Internet with right-wing spam. Although its messages are already on pyzor and razor -and spamassassin gives them high socres accordingly- the number of messages is enough to say that Sober.Q spam is quickly becoming a pain in the ass. So I threw together a spamassassin rule with all the Sober.Q subject lines in F-Secure’s Sober.Q Description.
header SOBER_Q_SUBJECT Subject =~ /4,8 Mill\. Osteuropaeer durch Fischer-Volmer Erlass|Auf Streife durch den Berliner Wedding|Auslaender bevorzugt|Deutsche Buerger trauen sich nicht \.\.\.|Auslaenderpolitik|Blutige Selbstjustiz|Deutsche werden kuenftig beim Arzt abgezockt|Paranoider Deutschenmoerder kommt in Psychia trie|Du wirst zum Sklaven gemacht!!!|Dresden 1945|Massenhafter Steuerbetrug durch auslaendische Arbeitnehmer|Gegen das Vergessen|Tuerkei in die EU|Hier sind wir Lehrer die einzigen Auslaender|Multi-Kulturell = Multi-Kriminell|Verbrechen der deutschen Frau|S\.O\.S\. Kiez! Polizei schlaegt Alarm|Transparenz ist das Mindeste|Trotz Stellenabbau|Vorbildliche Aktion|Augen auf|Du wirst ausspioniert \.\.\.\.!|Volk wird nur zum zahlen gebraucht!|60 Jahre Befreiung: Wer feiert mit\?|Graeberschaendung auf bundesdeutsche Anordnung|Schily ueber Deutschland|The Whore Lived Like a German|Turkish Tabloid Enrages Germany with Nazi Comparisons|Dresden Bombing Is To Be Regretted Enormously|Armenian Genocide Plagues Ankara 90 Years On/i
describe SOBER_Q_SUBJECT Contains a known Sober.Q subject
score SOBER_Q_SUBJECT 20.0
This rule is also available for download as
WordPress 1.5.1 is out
I downloaded and installed WordPress 1.5.1. The installation process was a breeze -as usual. Upgrading my custom 1.2 theme was very well documented and took all of ten minutes.
Keep up the good work, you guys!