A good friend of mine made asked this question today. Normally I would just run mount -o loop -t iso9660 cdimage.iso /mnt/tmp but this lost soul lives in a windows-only world, so I set out to find the answer. I remembered something about Daemon tools, but an alternative came via Google from http://kennethhunt.com/archives/001125.html And as it happens, WinXPVirtualCDControlPanel is a free download from Microsoft.
Update 20050529: Local mirror.
Update 20050706: Yes, that’s a Knoppix ISO in the screenshot.
Category: General
No more socks!
From New Scientist, a few interesting suggestions for presents you may send me for Christmas… (*hint!* *hint!*)
You may be interested in my Amazon wishlist as well… ;-)
Geeky, but you gotta admit that it *is* funny.
(Posted by Antonio Quirarte to WM.mx admin list)
So -after all- cats and dogs *can* see in color…
…it’s just that cats don’t care much about them.
An updated Straight Dope classic: http://www.straightdope.com/classics/a2_004.html
Cable Organizer
As seen on Slashdot: http://www.cable-safe.com/index.htm looks real neat. Should give it a try.
Bull’s eye
After reading several clueless posts in Webmasters Mexico mailing list, today Juan Ramon Ruelas proposes a tempting idea: perhaps Chicxulub’s meteor was no cosmic accident at all, but merely God fine-tuning his aim instead.