WordPress 2.0.3 inside

WordPressLast Sunday I upgraded WordPress to 2.0.3, and I have to confess that I am very impressed. After a couple of disastrous dry runs in a spare server, I backed up everything and decided to go for it on the production system — half expecting it to crash somehow. However the upgrade went smoothly, and almost every plugin just kept working exactly as before, with the sole exception of WPG2. Since the website recommends to upgrade to Gallery2 2.1.x and to the new WPG2 2.0 plugin, I did just that and got the embedded gallery working again in no time.
Kudos to both WordPress and Gallery2 teams. You have created nice pieces of software, and are setting a high standard for commercial and Open Source blogging and photo gallery software.

Kudos, and thanks.

[tags]WordPress, blog, Gallery, Gallery2[/tags]

One thought on “WordPress 2.0.3 inside”

  1. Just wanted to say great job with the blog, today is my first visit here and I’ve enjoyed reading your posts so far :)

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